The Compassionate Shaman
Founder of The Compassionate Way and The Transcendent Body Approach
Premasudha is a deeply compassionate shaman, healer, author, who has spent three decades traveling round the world, studying with healing masters, including 21 years with Amma, the famous Indian Hugging Saint. Now, she travels around the world devoted to sharing what she has learned, with others.
With her signature humor and ability to put words to vague perceptions and feelings, together with her healing touch, Premasudha's work is life changing. She has a truly great knack of assisting people out of the emotional prison of their ego/intellect into true freedom. This means that sometimes even serious diseases disappear too, as part of the emotional shift into a new more love-based understanding.
Premasudha primarily teaches in India, Europe and North America.
Several of her books are listed on the top of the web page.
Her Story
People with an unusual capacity for unconditional love might have trouble fitting into the Western culture. They might think there was something wrong with them.
Premasudha used to wonder why she had such trouble writing the kinds of articles considered desirable in her profession of journalism. She knew there must be a way to live an honest, compassionate and successful life in this culture.
The challenge of her own life came when her young son was diagnosed with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia. Two different cancer specialists told her his condition was incurable partly because there was no effective treatment for this rare leukemia at that time.
After experiencing a profound sensation of heaven and earth meeting, Premasudha decided to open the door to the possibility of her son surviving this challenge and gave the problem to the Universe to solve. Within 2 weeks, someone put her in touch with Olga Worrall, a famous American healer, who began working from a distance. Within 3 years, without any other treatment, Premasudha's son Ewan (John), achieved full health.
Meanwhile, Premasudha's younger son was born and as soon as he could speak, he started to describe in detail being a man living a rustic existence in Finland.
These experiences set Premasudha on her spiritual journey. She spent more than a decade studying with healing masters in Hawaii and New Zealand, as well as in Canada. For the last 21 years, she has studied with Amma, the famous Indian 'Hugging Saint".
Premasudha says that trusting our heads too much and our hearts too little causes unhappiness. She says women especially need to turn and begin to love and honour their true instinctive feminine nature.
She feels that as we do this, mental illness will decrease and even Mother Nature will become more peaceful.
When any of us choose to move beyond the ego intellect, and learn to embody universal love and compassion, not only do we become happier but our lives begin to feel like a big adventure.
Love is the strongest power in the world. Aligning with it brings emotional, intellectual and physical healing. And even miracles!
The Rise of The Divine Feminine
The earth is in such a pickle, so lost in our materialistic, three-dimensional worldview, that finally the barriers to the Divine Feminine Energy are dissolving and She is coming in.
This is good news!
Within and without, the Feminine Spirit is rising up to inspire and heal us. She is coming to remind us of our own intrinsic worth and that our lives have meaning. She will return us to our centers and help us become grounded.
For eons, the Feminine Spirit has been oppressed by society and repressed psychologically. This has cost so much; just look at our mental illness and addiction epidemics, the loss of values and meaning, and Mother Nature’s turbulence.
Now we need to turn inside and listen to our hearts and respond to the still small voice within. Pregnant women live with one eye on their inner reality and the other eye on their outer world. Perhaps we all need to start living this way, so we can correct the imbalances that exist within us.
As we listen within and find the courage to let go of the old unhelpful patterns, allowing ourselves to be renewed and informed from the inside, we will blossom into the people we were born to be.
The Answers are Inside. Here is How to Get There
We hear that the answers are inside us
It is true. They really are.
As Muktananda, an Indian sage and founder of Siddha Yoga, said: “The answer is You.”
It is.
Alas, trouble comes when we don't know how to go inside. We might not know how to build a relationship with our inner Self because we’ve always functioned from the outside in. This means trying to solve our difficulties through other people and the outside world. The idea of tapping into our own inner wisdom might make our head spin.
Here’s the thing. When it stops working to stay on the outside of ourselves, we'll become deeply motivated to approach life from the inside. Misfortunes such as being fired, getting divorced, or experiencing ill health can shake us awake.
The arrival of trouble means life is asking us to wake up to the existence of our eternal Essence.
As Amma, the Indian Hugging Saint says: “When you're a zero, you're a hero.”
Yes, it does take courage to grow, to become more. But when our outside world falls apart and we’re thrown back on ourselves, it is an invitation to start building a relationship with ourselves, with our true Nature. If we turn inside, we might discover that the secret to a meaningful life - the answer to an emptiness we might have always felt underneath – emerges from that Inner Self.
Even if we have always run from it before.
In my 30’s, my life fell apart and I woke up enough to dare to look inside. Gradually it became clear to me, that I had been basically spraying weed killer on my inner garden and Self by all my self-criticism and self-hatred. So I stopped doing that. Or at least, I began to observe myself - my thoughts, emotions and actions - as I went through my day. I saw in stark relief, how I slashed away at myself with self-hatred and overly self-critical patterns.
This self-witnessing was often depressing. I gave these self-attacking complexes over to the Creator a lot because the patterns felt so entrenched.
But indeed, gradually these patterns became smaller, the more I stopped believing their reductive, self-dismissive content.
And over time I learned to become more and more loving with myself. As I did that, my life opened up; became a lot gentler; and more fulfilling.
It takes time and it takes a courage to change patterns when we've spent many years of believing life is this way or that we're a certain way. But it can be done. It's really worth it to learn to become gentle and forgiving of yourself; to be able to put your arms around yourself as you are; and to know that you are entitled to be here.
You are as valuable as anybody else.
That's what Buddha said - that you deserve the love of God as much as anybody else in the world and it's really true. You deserve love and it's coming to you. Eternal unconditional love is always there for you. If you dare to open up your mind and your heart, you will feel it.
Really, it’s a choice. I know you will feel how loved you are by the Universe if you really want to.
Just be patient. It takes time.
Bless your hearts.
Life Becomes Like This…